Hellenic history on the earth breathes, even in places that aren't even mentioned in the historical book: militant Greeks well before the common era have several consecutive redraw history with his shield and a sword in his hand. So today's post for historical topics: 5 great battles on Greek territory long before the birth of Christ, but nevertheless greatly influenced the formation of the world as we know it today.
Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC)
Who hasn't seen the movie about 300 spartancah? First or second – no difference. The most famous Greek raspiarennyj feat at all times and all peoples, although not without the participation of Hollywood. On this day experience Fermopil advocates around the world use and in their stories, mixing the truth from fairy tales to show how a straw breaks the camel Ridge.
Battle of Thermopylae in our rating because 300 deaths here the Spartans had inspired the Greek rally and not surrender to the mighty power of that time – the Persian Empire. Although in itself the battle of Thermopylae did not have a significant impact, because damage was minimal to the Persians, the Greeks rallied the Spartans feat, and in subsequent battles as they asserted their right to independence. Not incidentally, the Persians to stretch further into Europe.
Battle of Salamis (480 BC)
Although inspired by the Greek and Thermopylae, war first started. Still, the Greek army was much smaller Persian and the Allied fleet in quantitative terms as much lost to the enemy. By the beginning of the battle of Athens have already been surrendered to the Persians and their fleet is in the Faliro.
On this day experience Fermopil advocates around the world use and in their stories, mixing the truth from fairy tales to show how a straw breaks the camel Ridge.
You want to pay tribute to history, even in the likelihood of victory of the Greeks believed a few, and the battle took place solely through cunning strategist FemistoklaAthens, right or wrong to engage in battle has extorted the Persians before the Hellenes had to withdraw his ships from harm's way. In any case, the technical superiority of Greek Trier, good weather conditions, skill of crews, choice of location for the battle and the desperation with which the allies were Persians, have played a role. In just one day the Greeks sank and destroyed 200 enemy ships, uravnovesiv its subsequent chances considerably. However, they have no special needs – battle of Salamise Persians destroyed the hopes of a quick victory, and their king Xerxes has chosen to go away from Mushroomed.
Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC)
A small town in Boeotia Heroneâ under the name of a field, where the Greeks eventually lost its nezavisomost', removing the horizon now ancient history a new star – Macedonia. The second distinctive feature of the battle that she had her first big polkovodceskij genius of Alexander, uncovered later distributed the Hellenistic culture in most of the known world at that time Europeans.
A small town in Boeotia Heroneâ under the name of a field, where the Greeks eventually lost its nezavisomost', removing the horizon now ancient history a new star – Macedonia.
From data of ancient historians battle of Chaeronea survived a bit: so far it does not have precise figures on the sides, the tactics applied polkovodcami and losses. Available data indicate prowess and polkovodceskom talent Macedonian strategists, as well as accused of cowardice pobežavših allies. So it was or not, Heroneâ has a point in an independent policy of the most significant Greek city-States of the time, removing the sprouting of new player-Macedonian power.
Battle of cynoscephalae (197 BC)
Battle of cynoscephalae has little relationship to the Greeks, for their lives with two other powerful powers: Macedonia and Rome. However, in the history of this battle has become, as mark the end of the power of Macedonia and the first significant and successful attempts by Rome to expand its presence to the East. Another result of the battle – the chess tactics hitherto regarded as Roman legions on the most promising building phalanges.
Question who will deal with Greece, the two powers in Thessaly, and at the beginning of the battle the Macedonians have all chances to push the Romans home. In the first half of the battle and what happened: wall phalanges did not leave the Romans a chance to get inside the building to take the Macedonian in case their main weapon is the short swords. Driving the Romans on hilly terrain when it seemed that the victory had already been resolved, the Macedonians have violated monolithic build than instantly took advantage of their enemies.
Another result the battle of cynoscephalae -adoption of chess tactics hitherto regarded as Roman legions on the most promising building phalanges.
When the Phalanx was sad, Roman arms and personal skills of the warriors were better prepared for group battles phalanges and agreed that the outcome of the battle. 8000 thousand dead Macedonians against just over 700 of the Romans – the final outcome of the battle. The outcome of the war even more significant – Macedonia withdrew its garrisons from the Greek cities reduced army entitled the lost fleet and independent foreign policy.
Battle of Pharsalus (48 BC)
In addition to external wars and wars of ancient Greece was internal. Not only the Greeks with the Greeks, but also other nationalities – mainly Romans. And most important of these battles took place in 48 BC pRI Farsala in Thessaly. In the battle of Pharsalus Fortune future ruler of Rome – whether they had support of Julius Caesar and Pompeius aristocracy.
In fact, many historians agree that a mistake was the decision of Pompey to accept battle. His army was in a better position for a long war, and Navy sea forces exceeded that of Caesar. Pompey remained just shy away from a crucial battle for some time, hoping that Caesar is food, and his army were simply razbežitsâ. But understand this and Caesar himself, and therefore tried to avoid prolonging the battle. All other things equal, strategic skill and prowess of his veterans of Caesar left the battlefield for him. And that to Pompey, he didn't even wait for the outcome of the battle, having fled to Egypt.
The result of the victory of Caesar's hard to overestimate. And not only in Pompee. In fact, Caesar became the sole such huge State and moved away from the values of the Republic of Rome and became an empire. Although then- Farsala field near is still little understood.
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